Product page:
Install module and set up option.
Import contains videos, do not forget to enable the iframes in Preferences – General.
Select “Loading only categories map” and run once “MANUAL IMPORT” . This action fill categories map. (You can edit path to target category and Save)
Then You can use manual, AJAX or CRON driven import.
For Price is used xml field <price_netto_eur>. Use “Margins settings” to set conversion rate or margins.
Select this option, if You need first translate and then activate products. New products will be added as inactive. Then You can filter this products in catalog and translate and activate.
Notice: If imported product not found in XML in next import (update), is set to inactive.
You can also translate categories or change category path in “Categories mapping”.
(Better, if You do it before first import. Do not forget save changes)