NVN Export Orders module – Multi-line and Calculated Fields setting

1/ Edit calculated field formulas, 

2/ add “Calculated fieldx” button to “Fields for export” and save setting.


Fields names You can see in “Mouse over text” or copy this names from xml elements tag names.



Multi-line field should be in “fields for export”


 For needed keys use “Mouse over text”  names or copy this names from xml elements tag names.


Optionally You can rename “Calculated field” button and csv columns names in part CSV columns + button names.


7 comments for “NVN Export Orders module – Multi-line and Calculated Fields setting

  1. Michael
    20.10.2015 at 6.57

    we need to export “Feature ID-7” from the field “Feature value”.
    If export just “feature value” we have all “Feature ID” in one cell. But we just need “Feature ID-7”.
    Can you help me writing the correct export element?

    Thanks a lot.

    • KaFa
      20.10.2015 at 7.27

      this format is set fixed in source code:
      foreach($respf as $ipf){$pom[‘feature_value’] .= ‘{[FEATURE ID-‘.$ipf[‘id_feature’].’]} ‘.$ipf[‘name’].’: ‘.$ipf[‘value’].’ ‘;}

      You can change it, or if you are not skilled in php, contact me from http://netvianet.com/contact-us
      I change it and send you modified version.

  2. Stephan
    18.11.2015 at 10.02

    I would like to use a calculated field, containing : lastname, firsname (email) . Using version 2.0.9 it word with this syntax but as i upgraded to version 2.3.3, i obtain “synax error”. I tried with single quotes ‘lastname’, ‘fistnam’ (’email’) but it’s the same thing.
    Might you tell me how to proceed ?
    Thanks a lot,

  3. joaquin
    11.3.2024 at 17.36

    Karel can you contact me? I need to ask some question (i’d lost your email) sincerely your, JOAQUIN

  4. 19.3.2024 at 8.43

    Is it possible to export the individual items of a bundle? That is the SKU of the bundle but also see the SKU of the individual components?
    Thank you very much

    • ka fa
      21.3.2024 at 11.08

      at this moment module is unavailable (update).

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